Hi everyone,
Welcome to Aggrity.com!
We've just put enough together to start sharing aggrity.com with others -- in particular, we've launched a "planet"-style aggregator for the London Java Community at ljc.aggrity.com.
Thanks to Martijn and Barry from LJC for their patience and encouragement in getting Aggrity to this point.
We are looking forward to introducing many more features as we grow Aggrity.com over the coming weeks and months, but we thought we have enough functionality together now so that we can start sharing it with the public.
In true "lean startup" style, we wanted to launch with the bare minimum that's useful to people.
If you have any great ideas for new features then feel free to add them in the comments field here or -- even better -- on our GetSatisfaction site.
Also you can join our newsletter to be updated when we release new features.
Hope to see you back here soon!